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Everything Everywhere | Stephanie's July 2024

It’s crazy how it’s already August and we’re over halfway through with summer! So much happened in July, it felt like such a short and long month at the same time. This is going to be quite a messy and disorganized entry with all that went on this month so bear with me. I am so glad I have this dedicated journaling time to take a pause and reflect on how the month went with you all — Stephanie

Lifestyle, Lows, Lessons: 


It has been such a busy month work wise, and extracurriculars wise. Before I knew it, I was entangled in multiple workstreams in both realms, and didn’t want to sacrifice any. In hindsight, it probably would’ve been better to give up something. Work wise, I won’t get too deep into the busyiness of the month because I don’t like complaining, but it has been a rollercoaster of dealing with personalities, projects, and change. There was this one particular incident that happened so last minute and I was initially upset at why I had to handle it while everyone went on about their day to have fun, but as I accepted handling it - I started to feel more at peace with facing reality and that I am here for a job so I have to do it. It also led to a v unexpected catch up chat with a colleague in SJ that I wouldn’t have expected to have enjoyed. On a completely other note, it has also been interesting (though scary) to be stepping out of my comfort zone to take on more speaking opportunities. More to share after the speaking opp.

Extracurriculars wise, I went deep in and also finally wrapped up the nonprofit grant review workstream. So many learnings from this process - both from a corporate social responsibility level and also an interpersonal level with combating groupthink. It’s also rewarding to give back to the city and to see nonprofits I’m familiar with get selected by our group. At the same time, I ended up participating (and still) in this asian leadership essentials academy offered at work and what I didn’t expect was the ability to meet others from different industries and orgs while also connecting on our asian heritage. Though I must say I am behind on the learning modules and quizzes haha. All while at the same time, the in-product work at my day job ended up with an opportunity to showcase our story - exciting but this will be another workstream of it’s own to tackle from now through Oct. All of this is happening so quickly I am still in awe at in processing it all - from the completion of the nonprofit review panel, to the leadership academy progression, to kickstarting the speaking opp. Wish me luck!


Equally wild, my personal life unexpectedly have been so eventful in all realms. I am likewise still in awe at processing it all too lol so once again bear with me with this writing as it will likely go all over the place. 

Let’s start with the beginning of the month. The first week of July I was still on my summer trip, we had finished the cruise and decided to spend some days in San Diego, OC, and LA. While in SD, I enjoyed introducing my parents to the beachtowns, coffee shops, and tons of mexican food and seeing them have a good time too. I also got to catch up with Vy, who I haven’t seen in over 2 years but we picked up where we left off on. When we first met at UCSB, I didn’t think much of it other than that I couldn’t pinpoint what it was but I always got a good vibe whenever we chatted. While I only knew her briefly because of our age gap, throughout the years we would catch up once a year or less but each time it would feel meaningful and I end up learning more each time about how we’re actually quite similar and feel a stronger sense of connection. It’s interesting how some friendships play out and I am thankful for our meeting and I can’t wait until the next time we reunite. 

On the topic of friendships, this month really had me becoming more intentional about friendships as well. Perhaps it is because I am more self-aware at this age or perhaps it is because of how busy this month it’s been that I’d like to protect my time. Lows…TLDR (proceeds to write an essay) a group of friends and I got tickets to a underground rave and tbh I only did it in the spur of the moment for the group, not the event. But as the friends I was closer with was backing down with different reasons, and the group got merged in with a bunch of new people that I didn’t know - I felt bad that I wanted to back down too. I knew myself that at the core, I could go and enjoy the moment, but I’d also rather not meet a whole new group and commute to an event that I don’t even know the artist with people I just met. I felt bad because I didn’t know what to do about that one friend I was close with, who brought in her group - because I felt terrible for being a bad friend. I also didn’t like the thought of making up a fake excuse because that also made me feel like a bad friend. So after much thought, I decided to just tell her the truth that I don’t think I’d have a good time anymore because everyone I knew backed down and I didn’t know much about the event itself. It wasn’t easy being honest because it puts me a bad light and it hurts the person on the receiving end too because I backed down, but I learned it’s better to be honest than make an excuse, or force yourself to go to something just to pass time. Also fun fact the underground artist (gets revealed at the event) ended up being Isoknock lol tbt fun mems at coachella!  

Still on the topic of being intentional, despite the chaos b2b in my life, I still wanted to make an effort of spending time with friends. I am glad Christina Wu reached out (she was also busy af this month and also had the same thought lmao) because we had such a rewarding catch up and we were both glad we decided to make time for each other during this busy season in our lives. I am also glad Ashley did the same and we had such a fun dedicated 1:1 at the academy after hours. And to top it off - I got to see Masego again - this time for free! - with Tammie and Ashley. Masego bringing in all the good vibes, jazz, rnb, and storytelling with music. This was such a highlight in my month, and yes I’d pay to see him again for a third time.

And if this entry couldn’t get any longer lol, I had quite a busy and eventful time with family too. We’ll start with the short and sweet, which is celebrating my Dad’s birthday together - blessed to see another year together and a reminder that my parents are aging and I hope each year. Now onto the home journey, tldr last year I was so close to buying a house but backed down for reasons that I won’t get into. I told myself I didn’t want to deal with it to that extent again this year, but I will do my due diligence and apply for this first-time homebuyer program and let that decide my 2024 homebuying journey. The chances of getting in this program is very low, a lottery. As I was embarking on my summer vacation at the start of this month, I got an email notification that I got accepted into the program … I felt happy and melancholy at the same time. To be honest I should be overjoyed, but it was bittersweet. I didn’t expect to be back on this journey, and now with a rigorous timeline because this program has an expiration date. So much was going on my mind, but I made up my mind to give it my all and take on the opportunity given to me. And if I don’t find a home before the expiration, that’s okay - at least I know I gave it my all and have no regrets. To waste time worrying and overthinking would lead to to regret. So I decided to give it my very best. The past month I’ve learned so much each week, realizing how helpful last year’s experiences was to expedite my processes this year - it’s been a mix of emotions, I’ve been feeling more independent than ever - yet at the same time, it is quite lonely, last year I had my dad as a thought partner and this new and unfamiliar program exceeds his knowledge, and I feel lonelier than ever to have to learn it all and make decisions on behalf of everyone. With all of that being said, I did reach out to Sally to learn about her homebuying process and this one off call has now led to a very active friendship who feels genuinely supportive of me. I am so thankful for this friendship and unexpected rekindle that has made this process feel less lonely and reassuring. It’s still crazy to think of the small chances, I ended up being one of the lucky few - I’ll forever be thankful regardless of the end result and I’ll give it my best bet.


My pick of the month: Relationships

So much happened in my life this month both professionally and personally, I mentioned it throughout my entry - but I definitely couldn’t have handled it all without the solace and support of the relationships in my life. Life would be very dull and dreary if I was just chasing after these goals, whether professionally or personally with homebuying. It is the tranquility and interactions with the relationships in my life -  even if it’s just daily text messages or dinner catch ups - that combat the chaos of chasing after and tackling goals.

I am a bit late to the game today - but I am thankful for this dedicated blog writing time, it is me-time activities like this (and pilates heh) that gives me the pause of introspection needed to take on the craziness of everyday life. I have so much to be thankful for, and this month was an even bigger reminder. 

I hope you all had a wonderful July, and cheers to August! 

Chat soon in September,



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